Become the Best You! 4 Steps to Success

4 Pillars of Mogressive Coaching for Life Success


Mogressive Coaching is all about four big ideas: Time, Energy, Focus, and Attention. These are like the secret ingredients to cooking up a successful life. Think of them as your toolkit for cutting through the noise and getting where you want to be, both personally and professionally. 

We’ve all fallen, failed, and stopped believing in ourselves at least once in our lives. Tell yourself this affirmation or write it down and post it on your mirror in the bathroom, 

“You’re not starting from scratch, Your starting from experience”

Download the Awareness Checklist at the end of this blog so you can start asking yourself quality, thought-provoking questions to reignite the spark you once had. 

How do the 4 Pillars Work Together?

Over the past six years, I've embarked on a deeply personal journey, a quest to uncover what it really takes to reach our peak - to become the best versions of ourselves, or in fancier terms, to achieve self-actualization. It's about more than just winning by the usual standards; it's about finding what truly fulfills us. But let me break it down, it's not just about checking off the boxes society has socially engineered for us. It's about digging deeper to discover what genuinely makes us feel alive and fulfilled. And guess what!? True happiness or personal success looks different to all of us, and that's the best part! 

Sure it's a little complicated at first, maybe even a little scary. It's only scary because you’ve been wired to only see the scary –This journey involves getting our mindset right, sticking to good habits, bouncing back from setbacks, sacrificing weekends, and chasing our true goals. It's about piecing together the puzzle of personal growth, aiming for deep satisfaction and a sense of purpose beyond just 'success'. But how do we do all of this!?

Well I’ve boiled it down to 4 main factors: Time, Energy, Focus, & Attention.

1. Time: Your Most Precious Resource

Research from the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that the average American spends 8.8 hours a day on work-related activities and 2.8 hours on leisure and sports, with only a fraction of that time dedicated to self-improvement activities. Yet, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who prioritize time over money are generally happier. This suggests a misalignment between how we allocate our time and what potentially brings us greater satisfaction and personal success. Are we truly investing our time in ways that align with our deepest values and goals? Try this free exercise that I’ve created just for you.

Time is like money - you only get so much of it, so you’ve got to spend it wisely. Ever heard of the 80/20 rule? It says that 80% of the good stuff comes from 20% of what we do. Imagine using that rule to sort out where to put your effort. It's about making smart choices with how we use our minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

Make every moment count! Invest your time wisely in things that uplift your life. Say goodbye to negative thoughts and actions. Remember, you've only got one-third of your life to spend – choose regrets or discipline wisely.

2. Energy: Keep Your Tanks Full 

A revealing survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that only about 1 in 3 adults get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night, a critical component of energy restoration. Furthermore, the American Psychological Association highlights that chronic stress, exacerbated by poor time management and lifestyle choices, drains our energy levels significantly. This underscores the importance of managing our energy not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually, to maximize our daily potential. Try my free exercise.

Were all only allotted a certain amount of energy per day. Mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. When you invest your time, energy tags along every time. You should be treating your energy like cold-hard cash! Not everyone deserves it. Protect it. 

Just like a car needs gas, we need energy to get going. And not just any energy - we're talking the good kind that keeps your mind clear and your body ready for anything. Studies say that moving around and staying active gives us more of this awesome energy. It’s about finding the right balance so we can keep the engine running smoothly.

This is where The Law of Detachment comes into play. Taking a step back from your life for a sec, to see the entire picture, like a soccer goalie- who can see the entire field whereas some of the players can only see a small section of the soccer field. For example, ask yourself, do I want to spend my time with friends drinking/partying on the weekends? Or investing that time and sacrificing one weekend per month on self improvements like working on my weaknesses, bad habits, or self discipline. 

Balance is key! Manage your mental, physical, and emotional energy thoughtfully. Recharge when needed and become self-aware of your triggers, stressors, and motivators. Your energy is a precious resource!

3. Focus: Your Personal GPS

In the era of digital distraction, a study by Microsoft Corporation suggests that the average human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to 8 seconds, shorter than that of a goldfish. This alarming statistic highlights the critical need for cultivating focus in our daily lives. Moreover, research from Harvard University indicates that people spend 47% of their waking hours thinking about something other than what they’re currently doing, which has been linked to decreased happiness. Focusing on the present, therefore, is not just beneficial for achieving our goals but is crucial for our well-being.

Focus on the internal you, your thoughts, reactions, choices, goals, vision, mission, and future. This is where you want to use your imagination. Especially, if you pray, meditate, daydream, or just zen out for a few minutes everyday, maybe once in the morning with some breathing exercises. 

Remember the way you start your mornings, sets the standard for the day. So, focus while you're driving in traffic, at a red stop light, on a walk, while listening to music. Think about the journeys you'll go on while chasing different goals in your life. How long will it take you to achieve this goal, what personal strengths can I apply? Do I have any weaknesses? What will you tell yourself when you hit your first roadblock or negative encounter? What will you tell yourself once you reach your goals? 

It all starts from within! Shift your mindset, visualize your goals, meditate, pray, and find your internal frequency. Cultivate habits that align with your values. Your mind is a powerhouse; use both fate and faith to find your life's rhythm.

Focus is all about knowing where you're headed and keeping your eyes on the prize. It’s like having a personal GPS for your life. Meditation and taking a moment to chill can help sharpen this inner GPS. It's all about making sure you're moving in the right direction, without getting sidetracked. Try another free exercise.

4. Attention: Notice the Signs 

Paying attention to the right signals in our environment is more crucial than ever. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that individuals who practiced mindfulness exhibited better cognitive flexibility and improved attentional functions. This indicates that honing our attention on the external world, especially after doing the internal work of focusing on our goals and values, can significantly impact our ability to perceive and seize opportunities that align with our aspirations.

Once you’ve done the internal work with focus, it’s time to look outward with attention. It’s about spotting the little hints and opportunities the world throws your way. Think of it as being a detective in your own life, looking for clues that match all your goals – big, small, realistic, and unrealistic. I call it the “AHA moment” where you notice a coincidence happening in your life. What if I told you coincidences don’t exist, life is giving you exactly what you’ve been focusing on? Its been there the entire time, you just weren’t paying attention to those things before. And yes, this works both ways—good and bad. If you focus on the negative expect more negative, and vice versa. 

Stay alert to the world around you! Engage all your senses because what you focus on will come closer to you. Life doesn't magically bring your dreams to you; it nudges them closer. Pay attention and reach out, step out, speak up, and grab those life clues.

Your mind is a magnet once you combine time, energy, and focus. Those bread crumbs might come in the form of a person, this is where you begin to start trusting the process. The universe will deliver all the goals you want in life, but it's still up to you to reach out and grab it. Which means stepping out of your comfort zones. Now you’ve graduated to begin trusting yourself. Once you can trust yourself, and trust the process, those are two deadly combinations when attacking and attracting the things you want out of life. So you can begin understanding the formula and factors required to get exactly where you want to go, exactly what you want.

Try this free exercise.

Putting It All Together

Mixing these four elements into your daily routine is like finding the perfect recipe for your life. It means choosing how you spend your time and energy, getting clear on what you really want, and keeping an eye out for chances to make it happen. I’ve seen it work wonders for myself and the folks I’ve coached and strategized with in the past. We’ve found that real success is all about crafting a life that feels right for us.

Spend time and energy focusing on what you want from life while paying attention to your surroundings. Repeat this everyday, every morning, every chance you get..The more you learn about you and all your “why’s” the quicker you’ll understand how to embed this routine into your daily routines, finding the sweet spot so-to-speak. 

From Believers to Achievers: Success Stories

Let’s dive into how four everyday yet powerful tools—Time, Energy, Focus, and Attention can be the secret sauce to cooking up a life you love. Through the inspiring stories of people who’ve made it big, let’s see how you, too, can start turning your dreams into reality. And remember, you’re not starting from zero. You’re starting with a wealth of experience under your belt.

  • Time: Satya Nadella's Game-Changer Move

    Think of Satya Nadella like the captain of a ship who steered Microsoft into new waters. He showed us that using time wisely isn’t just about ticking tasks off a list. It’s about learning, growing, and opening our hearts and minds to others. Nadella’s story tells us that time is more than minutes and hours; it’s our chance to make a real difference.

  • Energy: Sheryl Sandberg's Power-Up

    Sheryl Sandberg turned her energy into a superpower. After facing tough times, she didn’t just bounce back; she bounced forward, helping women everywhere find their voice and strength. Her journey is a lesson in not just going through life but growing through life, using our energy to light up the dark corners of the world.

  • Focus: Reshma Saujani's Laser Vision

    Reshma Saujani had a dream: to close the tech world's gender gap. With laser-like focus, she started Girls Who Code, helping young women crack the code to their futures. Saujani’s story is a reminder that when we zero in on what really matters, there’s no limit to the impact we can make.

  • Attention: Admiral William H. McRaven's Eye for Detail

    Admiral William H. McRaven took the saying “mind the little things” to a whole new level. His life lessons, like making your bed to perfection, show us that greatness starts with getting the small stuff right. Paying attention to the details can lead to big wins in life and leadership.

Your Power-Up Phrase: “You’re not starting from scratch, you're starting from experience.”

Armed with this mindset and the Awareness Checklist from Mogressive, you’re all set to ask yourself the big, life-changing questions. Let the stories of these achievers inspire you. They're not just tales of success; they're your invitation to use Time, Energy, Focus, and Attention to unlock your full potential. Start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. Your extraordinary journey begins now.

Creating Awareness

Building a life you love is a journey, not a sprint. By focusing on Time, Energy, Focus, and Attention, you're setting yourself up for the long haul. This approach isn't just about hitting milestones; it’s about enjoying the ride and growing into the best version of yourself.

Creating awareness is a crucial step in personal development. By asking the right questions, we can prompt individuals to reflect deeply on their current situation and inspire them to take action towards meaningful change. Here are the top 5 awareness questions for each of the four pillars (Time, Energy, Focus, and Attention) that can help new clients and readers start their journey toward personal growth and life pivot.


  • What activities or tasks are you spending the majority of your time on, and do they align with your long-term goals?

  • How much time do you dedicate to personal development and self-care each week?

  • Are there tasks or activities you can delegate or eliminate to free up more time for what truly matters?

  • How often do you find yourself procrastinating, and what triggers this behavior?

  • What changes can you make to your daily routine to ensure a more productive and fulfilling use of your time?


  • What daily habits do you have that drain your energy, and how can you modify them to be more energizing?

  • How do you recharge after a long day or week, and is it effective in restoring your energy?

  • Can you identify the times of day when your energy is highest and lowest, and how can you adjust your schedule to match this rhythm?

  • What physical activities or exercises do you engage in to boost your energy levels, and are they sufficient?

  • How does your diet affect your energy levels, and what dietary adjustments might help you feel more vibrant and active?


  • What are your main distractions when trying to focus, and how can you minimize or eliminate them?

  • How do you prioritize your tasks, and does this method help you stay focused on the most important tasks?

  • What techniques or tools do you use to maintain focus during challenging or lengthy tasks?

  • How often do you take breaks to refresh your focus, and do you find them effective?

  • Can you recall a time when you were exceptionally focused and productive?

  • What factors contributed to this state, and how can you replicate it?


  • What signs or opportunities might you be overlooking in your daily life that could lead you closer to your goals?

  • How do you stay present in the moment, and what practices could help you improve your attentiveness?

  • In what ways do you allow external noise to distract you from your inner voice and intuition?

  • How do you filter the information you consume daily to ensure it's relevant and beneficial to your personal growth?

  • What steps can you take to become more aware of and responsive to the needs and signals of your body and mind?

Are You Ready?


The Strange Secret To Success 2024


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