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Podcasts are a great way to learn more about your own mindset and motivation. They give you access to voices of reason and well-researched ideas that might help you in your struggles. Podcasts are perfect for those who want to make changes in their lives but can't find the time or just can’t find the time…yet!

Listen Live on PodChaser

Podcasts are a great way to learn more about your own mindset and motivation. They give you access to voices of reason and well-researched ideas that might help you in your struggles. Podcasts are perfect for those who want to make changes in their lives but can't find the time or just can’t find the time…yet!

Listen on Amazon Music

“A life coaching experience that will supercharge your life!" Mogressive Coaching covers a wide range of areas, including the development of 45 soft skills for everyday leaders & life achievers.

Listen on Apple Podcast

A podcast is very different than regular radio because you can pick which one you want to listen to at any time and choose what your listening experience should be like.

A good way to build habits through podcast is by setting routines and rituals. Set up a time each day that you do the same thing every day such as walking the dog or going for a run with music in your headphones.